Mitigating the Rainfall Climate change


The world is changing and the climate is no different. That sounds uninteresting, huh? But, do you know that unbearable changes are offsetting? The effects of what we do to the earth is beginning to tell on the climate. 

I know how much you fancy helping others, but largely, the earth is figuratively on her knees begging for help. Actually, we are the ones in need of help this time. 

Let's slow down a bit and come home, this is Nigeria, right?

Thousands of people migrate owing to climate change and environmental effects such as flooding, food insecurity, low income, and damaged livelihood. This is worse, especially on households that rely greatly on rain-fed subsistence agriculture, as the rainfall pattern in Nigeria has largely become unpredictable since 2012.

For instance, following the heavy rainfall predictions made by the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) that year, the 2012 July flood (arguably one of worst floodings in Nigeria) led to the displacement of about 2 million people across different states in Nigeria as announced by NiMet and other governmental authorities.

Over the past years, we have been experiencing extreme temperatures and precipitations. This frequency and intensified variation in rainfall and other precipitations over a significantly long period can be attributed to human activities. 

This is deeply troubling, yet, on the other hand, it leaves us a sense of relief that since the problem is largely caused by us, then we can help ourselves to keep our Planet safe.

But what have we done about it? We rather complain than indulge in practices that help lessen the impact in our environment.

I hope you can see how much we hurt ourselves now?

While rainfall is an important, good and natural phenomenon, too much rainfall and haphazard rainfall are products of climate change.  These rainfall climate change results in disasters such as flooding, displacement, agricultural land loss etc. 

There is no doubt that rainfall climate change is affecting us, and how unfit we are to adapt to these changes. 

But, Nigeria has gone even further as regards climate change and now we battle with the consequences of our actions. So where do we go from here?

At this point, the only thing to do is to stop. In other words, we have to stop contributing to the rainfall variability.

"How can we mitigate these climate change-induced rainfall variability?", you ask.  

Here are our four suggestions for you.

Reduce your emissions.

The heavy rainfall is we experience is nothing but the giant drops of our carbon footprint.

Thus, make it your aim to reduce your carbon prints by switching from unsustainable acts like burning plastics to recycling them, using renewable sources of energy compared to fuel.

Plant more trees.

Trees clean up our carbon and reduce the effect of our actions on the atmosphere. I am as puzzled, as the trees are, when I see acts of deforestation. 

Reduce your demands for products made by deforestation e.g firewood charcoal, paper etc. Bear in mind that trees help regulate the climate by absorbing carbon. How does it make sense to keep cutting down trees and not replant them?

The least we can do is replenish the nature products that we use.

Learn and support Climate action policies.

In 1992, Nigerian Government signed the Environmental Impact Assessment to protect the environment  and keep citizens accountable for their actions on the environment. Many other bills have been passed since then, yet our environment continue to degrade. 

For instance, do you know that Bush burning without permit is prohibited in Nigeria by the National Environmental Regulations?

The rate of unauthorized Bush burning still being practiced should tell you that climate policies will not work if we refuse to learn, know, obey and support them.

Join the Cause.

Joining organisations that are geared towards environmental sustainability such as Plogging Nigeria, will help you continually see the issue of climate change and provide you with knowledge and skills to play your role in mitigating them.

Of course, this is a joint work for all of us, for the government, for businesses/companies who contribute heavily to rainfall variations.

But we are also concerned about what you, yes you, can do. Will you be taking any of these steps for our Environment? 

Always remember, change starts with you. 


 — Dolapo Johnson

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