Water Sustainability Strategies

Have you ever thought of people living sustainably? 

Let me take you on a journey about that.

As of 2021, 85% of people around the world think sustainably when making purchases, having shifted their behaviour to be more eco-conscious. The generation with the largest impact is Generation Y, with 24% participating in eco-friendly living.

You are probably worried whether or not you’re living sustainably. As it should be. That’s a good thing to worry about.

To know that , take a look at how you use water for sustainable living.

Water sustainability refers to the availability of freshwater for human consumption and use in agriculture and industrial processes.

Since we have known some examples of water sustainability. Let's dive into water sustainability strategies.

Water Sustainability Strategies

Does Water Conservation sound like something only professionals can do??

Yes, in a way, but of course not.

Water Conservation in its simplest terms is you reducing your water usage to the point where there's little to no wastage. 

Some of the ways to do this is through Storm water collection.

Unlike what it sounds like, storm water collection is something you are familiar with. 

Regions with heavy rainfall can benefit from the stormwater collection strategy as it helps maintain their groundwater supply and green vegetation.

You can save on water supply costs with stormwater, produce potable water and reduce dependence on municipal supply.

Collecting stormwater also lowers your carbon footprint by cutting down on conventional water pumped from non-renewable sources. You will need few plumbing fixtures as most rainwater systems are self-contained units with minimal piping.

To avoid wastage of water, why can’t you introduce the use of water resource optimisation?

Oh! You don’t know how to go about that? Here’s a suggestion for you.

Water resource optimization is a proactive approach to conservation by evaluating the water resources in an area, analysing how to use them best to sustain life, and then recommend improvements.

 First, it’s essential to evaluate tasks that need more water. Then, you can use your available resources more efficiently and optimise water use for your work.

For example, if your garden needs two gallons of water, make sure that the source of water for your garden doesn’t have a larger tank. This way, it binds you to use a limited quantity of water. 

Find out the amount of water your household uses on an average day. This number will be different for everyone depending on their lifestyle, but a standard is usually between 80-100 gallons per person daily or more.

It is very important to filter natural water before use. Here are some tips about filtration to make water usable.

Filtration is primarily a job for municipalities. However, adopting miniature filters can help sustain water. For instance, if an overhead rainwater collection tank contains a decent amount of water, applying filters can make the water more useful. So, the water is no longer used for general cleaning only. Instead, you can use the same water for cooking and even drinking.

Have you ever heard about the treatment of hard water chemically?

Hard water can increase your water consumption as washing off soap and detergent from dishes becomes challenging. The mineral content in hard water can also result in an unpleasant taste, limescale build-up inside pipes, high energy costs to heat the water, and mineral deposits that create clogs in faucets. 

But water softeners provide an easy way to protect your appliances, cut water consumption in half, keep your skin soft, and help you save money.

In conclusion, Sustainable water strategies try to find a balance between water supply and demand. While some of the strategies may not be yours to implement, you can always contribute on a micro-level.

 For instance, you can 

— take short baths

— use recycled water for cleaning purposes

— install water saving devices like smart showers to reduce water for sustainability.

— Turn off the taps when brushing your teeth

Whatever you do, remember that water is life and must be treated as valuable.

— Mubarak Mustapha

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