Solutions To Plastic Pollution


To our consistent readers who might be thinking, "Is there no other environmental topic anymore asides plastic?"  We know you have read so much on this blog and you feel like your brain is overloading with too much of information. 

Oh well, the need to highlight the impact of plastic in our society cannot be overemphasised, considering the fact that it is the world's largest environmental problem in the world. Hence, we will not let you 'breathe'.

Well, not until we stop letting plastics suffocate our environment.

"Let every living creature, including you, breathe and do not suffocate them."

Our Previous article has taken the time to establish the problem we are facing which is PLASTIC POLLUTION, as well as the large impact it has on our environment. So, not to bore you as a sweet reader, I will outline some solutions that YOU can put into practice.

The reason Plogging Nigeria is so interested in you getting the message is so that you can imbibe them and then spread the word across board, the gathering of little stones make a mountain. 

Are you ready??? Let's go!!!

  •  Try!!!  Just try ehn!! I promise that you won't die if you try (lol). Seriously, try as much as you can to do away with anything plastic. As an African living in Africa, Nigeria to be specific, it might look somewhat difficult to achieve, but it's absolutely possible. Start by rejecting straws, take aways, plastic cutleries, avoiding pet bottles (if you love carbonated so much, buy the glass bottle that can be returned after drinking).

  • Avoid dumping plastics indiscriminately on the road, in drainage or water bodies including oceans and rivers, because you think the river will help transport the plastics to the ends of the earth. What you don't realise is that as the bottles are travelling, they are suffocating and killing innocent animals (well maybe they are not innocent but you get what I mean). 

  • Opt for 'eat in' rather than 'take out'. My fellow Gen Zs who love to order everything and anything, I understand we have money to spend but then would you like to create a plastic museum in your home? Of course not, kindly cook or go to the restaurant and eat there.  

  • I'm aware that some of us are well knowledgeable about these things but we refuse to influence people around us, why??? (inserts teary face emoji).  People around me know better than to throw things out on the road or commit environmental worthy crimes in my presence. I have been tagged 'oversabi' but do I care? No!

I mean how else would people know if the ones with the knowledge do not hammer what we know into their heads. Of course, not with a literal hammer.

Don't be a lone ambassador, spread the word and recruit other people into the force! 

Do you have a cup filled with anything in your hand? If you don't, get one— a reusable one. Raise it because we are about to make a toast:

Cheers to zero plastic life! 

Cheers to more recruits! 

Cheers to a green life! 

Cheers to YOU

— James Oluwaseun Abigail  

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