Sheikh Yamani, a prominent figure in the world of energy and advocate for renewable energy and the need to transition away from fossil fuels, once said:

The Stone Age came to an end not for a lack of stones, and the oil age will end, but not for a lack of oil. 

The stone age ended because we invented new tools. We must therefore accelerate the transition to sustainable energy and transport. Transitioning to sustainable energy is crucial for addressing climate change and ensuring a more sustainable future. But before I dive deep into today's content, let's know what sustainable energy is. 

Sustainable energy refers to energy sources and practices that are environmentally friendly, economically viable, and socially responsible, with a focus on reducing negative impacts on the planet. This includes renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower, as well as energy efficiency measures and responsible consumption.


However, the use and increased dependency on non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy, has posed several dangers and drawbacks like climate change, air pollution, energy security, resource depletion, environmental damage, nuclear risk, and health impacts.

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon-based energy resources that are derived from the remains of ancient plants and animals buried and subjected to geological processes over millions of years. Its primary types are coal, oil (petroleum), and natural gas.

The use of fossil fuels has been a key driver of industrialization and modernization, but it has also led to environmental and climate challenges. The combustion of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming and climate change. 

As a result, there is a growing emphasis on reducing our reliance on fossil fuels and transitioning to cleaner, renewable and more sustainable energy sources, like:

  • Solar energy which converts sunlight into electricity through solar panels.
  • Wind energy which captures the kinetic energy of the wind and converts it into electricity.
  • Hydropower which generates electricity by harnessing the energy of flowing water like rivers or dams.

These are all reliable and long-established renewable energy sources.

Other sustainable energy include geothermal, biomass, tidal and wave, hydrogen and nuclear energy. A diverse mix of these alternatives, combined with energy efficiency measures, is essential for a more sustainable and resilient energy future. 

To record positive and substantial changes through climate action, humans collectively need to be fully aware and convinced that it is expedient we start transitioning from non-renewable to renewable energy, as it is a key strategy for mitigating climate change, improving air quality, enhancing energy security, and promoting a more sustainable and resilient energy future.

Funbi Ransome-Ige 

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